German Chancellor Olaf Scholz heads to Israel and Jordan on Saturday on a two-day trip to the Middle East.

Scholz will first visit Jordan and then travel on to Israel, government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said in Berlin on Friday.

This is the chancellor’s second trip to the region since the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7th last year.

Hebestreit said Scholz’s itinerary is still being finalized.

A meeting between Scholz and Jordan’s King Abdullah II is planned first.

Scholz will travel to Israel on Sunday where a conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is planned.

The chancellor will also meet Israel’s President Isaac Herzog.

A meeting with representatives of the Palestinian Authority has not yet been planned.

Topics of discussion include the current developments in the Gaza Strip, the airlift for the suffering population and the general situation in the crisis area, government spokesman Hebestreit said.

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