The findings were showcased at Meta’s inaugural Gaming Summit in India on Thursday.
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The gaming industry in India is experiencing exponential growth that is fuelled by digital advancements, according to a study commissioned by Meta and conducted by the online insights platform GWI.

These findings, showcased at Meta’s inaugural Gaming Summit in India on Thursday, highlighted the pivotal role of Meta platforms – particularly Reels, video ads, and influencers – in shaping gamers’ preferences and purchasing behaviour. The summit emphasised the impact of AI-powered advertising tools in driving growth for gaming brands.

The summit brought together major gaming brands in India, showcasing innovative technologies like Meta’s AI-powered Advantage+ suite of solutions.

Key insights from the Meta-commissioned study revealed the growing prevalence of gaming across India, with a significant proportion of gamers coming from non-metro areas. Meta platforms were identified as crucial drivers of game discovery and purchase, with features like Reels, ads, and influencer collaborations playing a key role.

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Additionally, the study highlighted key moments for gamers, such as festive seasons and sporting events, which influence game preferences. Technologies like AI, VR, and AR were identified as significant interests among casual gamers in India.

The insights offer valuable guidance for gaming brands seeking to connect with gamers effectively and achieve business objectives in an evolving landscape.

Arun Srinivas, Director and Head of Ads Business for Meta in India, highlighted the importance of gaming within the Meta ecosystem globally.

“Meta is a leading channel for gamers to discover and purchase new games. Gaming is poised to play a leading role in India’s techade, and we’re thrilled to enable growth opportunities for gaming businesses at different stages of their journey,” he said.

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