In response to a Right To Information (RTI) inquiry seeking details from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on the budget allocated for dental healthcare countrywide from 2014 to 2024 and the provision of government jobs in the field, the Dental Council of India stated that no such data is available in their record.

Hyderabad-based Dr. Manzur Ahemd, president of the All India Dental Students Association (AIDSA), filed the RTI seeking information on the budget allocation for dental healthcare and any specific preventive measures or initiatives implemented by the Ministry to enhance dental health awareness among the public.

Dr. Manzur said, “We understand the importance of transparency and accountability in public healthcare initiatives and the provision of this information will greatly assist us in evaluating the current state of dental healthcare in the country and identifying areas for improvement.”

In reply to these inquiries, the Dental Council of India, a statutory body under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, replied that “no such data is available in the records of the Dental Council of India.”

“It’s disheartening to note that despite our diligent inquiry to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of the Government of India regarding budget allocation for oral healthcare and the provision of central government jobs in this field from 2014 to 2024, no data was provided,” said Dr. Manzur.

He said that the subsequent response from the Dental Council of India, which similarly lacked crucial information, highlights a significant disregard for oral healthcare. This failure in transparency and accountability from governmental entities is intolerable and casts doubt on the government’s commitment to prioritising oral health.

“As members of the All India Dental Students and Dental Surgeons Association, we vehemently urge political parties in India to prioritise oral healthcare in their agendas and implement tangible measures to tackle this pressing issue,” he added.

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